Napoleonic Painting

Dutch-Belgians for Waterloo

Over the last few months I have added lots of British infantry, cavalry and artillery to the Waterloo collection. You can see the results on the gradually expanding page here.

My next frontier were the Dutch-Belgian forces and particularly MG Bijlandt’s 1st Brigade which is shown in all its glory below. 27th Jager, 7th Line, 5th Militia in reduced size after devastating losses at Quatre-Bras, and finally 7th and 8th Militia.

Napoleonic Painting

Napoleonic Allied Army

I have launched a new foray into 28mm Napoleonics centered on the battle of Waterloo. The first effort is the growing Allied Army of the Netherlands. The page will expand over time with new units as I complete them. For now, we have the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th British Infantry Divisions, and an initial start on the cavalry. Some samples below but check out the page for all photos.