EPIC Painting

Flames of War Display Board

Lack of available painting supplies made me focus on some terrain activities. I finished the first (of 40) display boards for my gaming room cabinet: German Pionierkompanie in defensive position. I photographed the steps so enjoy the tutorial. You can see the placement of the terrain board in the game room.

Flames of War

Flames of War Germans up

As the first of the “bigger armies”, I uploaded some 60+ pics of the Flames of War German army under Games & Armies\Flames of War.

US & UK forces are in the photography stage right now.

I also had to manually edit every single image on the site since wordpress somehow decides to show all images at 1 pixel smaller than the original size. That downscaling with an inferior algorithm blurred many of the images more than necessary. As far as I could tell, a manual fix of the HTML was the only way around this. Note that as a side effect none of the images on this site are “clickable” anymore. That’s a good thing since clicking on them just led you to the same image with 1 pixel more horizontal and vertical resolution…