Kill Team – Rogue Trader

Kill Team is a small scale system in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Traditionally, it is played with the same units as in larger 40k armies but Games Workshop Also released a game set including a Rogue Trader force and the Gellerpox Infected chaos horde.

Rogue Trader Team:

coming soon…

Gellerpox Infected: I painted these roughly along a video tutorial from Midwinter Minis mainly because I was watching their videos as background sound and remember that I had the Gellerpox stashed away somewhere (together with ~4,000 other unpainted minis…). The force is led by Vulgar Thrice-Cursed together with three Nightmare Hulks.

Three Vox Shamblers and four little Glitchlings are the remaining “humanoid” models in the Gellerpox.

Finally, we have lots of little creatures in the form of Sludge-Grubs, Eyestinger Swarms and Cursemites.