
The Vikings are the quintessential Dark Ages faction. The SAGA game system focused on a more historically correct view of the Scandinavian Vikings – no horned helmets here – so I tried to stick with a more natural colour scheme. Most of the core models are plastics from a variety of sources: Warlord Games, Gripping Beast and assorted conversion bits thrown in.

Heroes: The Vikings are led by a mighty Warlord based on an older Gripping Beast berserker model. As a fan of the Vikings TV series, I envision him as Rollo, brother of Ragnar Lothbrok. Same build, same features as the commonly bare-chested TV version. Other heroes include Ragnar Lothbrok, Gunnar Hamundarson, and Harald Hardrada accompanied by his Varangian Guards with Dane Axes.

Hearthguards: The Vikings have a wide range of Hearthguard units and my collection capitalised on this variety. Starting with two units of standard Hirdmen with axes and shields. Add to this some Berserkers.

Warriors: The Viking warriors are a mix of plastic and metal models to give a bit of variety. I focused on axes for the Bondi to distinguish them from the spear-heavy Anglo-Saxons and other otherwise similar forces.

Levy: The Vikings can draw on the generic Levy Pool for support.

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