Painting SAGA

SAGA Ragnar & Rollo

Ragnar Lothbrok and, inspired by the great Vikings TV series, his brother Rollo (old Gripping Beast model).

SAGA Vikings - Warlord SAGA Vikings - Ragnar Lothbrok

Painting SAGA

SAGA Berserker

SAGA Vikings - Berserker

Painting SAGA

SAGA Egil & Vikings

Egil and some Viking Hirdmen.

SAGA - Egil SAGA Vikings - Hirdmen 2 SAGA Vikings - Hirdmen 1

Painting SAGA

SAGA Viking Bondi

Here comes the core of the Vikings. Two units of Bondi. I went with axes mostly to visually separate them from the spear-armed Anglo-Saxons.

SAGA Vikings - Bondi 2 SAGA Vikings - Bondi 1

Painting SAGA

SAGA Harald Hardrada

Good King Harald Hardrada and some Varangian Guards.

SAGA Vikings - Harald Hardrada SAGA Vikings - Varangian Guard