EPIC Painting

Salamander Landing Craft

Wrapping up some leftover pieces on the painting table: A Salamander Landing Craft based on the Forge World Thunderhawk Transporter model.

EPIC Painting

Epic Salamander Terminators

Finished up some more Terminators for my Salamander Chapter. The unit includes a (mildly) converted Librarian to round out the command choices (I already have a Captain and Chaplain for the other two squads). Nothing fancy as I had to match the style of the other models.

EPIC Painting

Epic Salamander Reinforcement

A bigger purchase on Ebay yielded some spare Whirlwinds and Land Raiders so I painted them up quickly. They have to fit in with the old Salamander army so the options on the paintjob were limited. This balanced out the odd numbers for both formations and brings me to 3 full squadrons each.


EPIC Salamander are up

The first “big” army is up. A full chapter of EPIC Salamander Space Marines. These take a lot longer to photograph and edit than skirmish forces so the going will be slow…