High Elves

The High Elves are the quintessential “Elite” army of the Warmaster System – featuring all troop types at a high quality level. For mine I elected to go with a dragon theme, including converting a few models for emphasis.

Leaders: The army is lead by a variety of lords and mages which are all stock models. The larger Dragon Rider is a standard model. The smaller Dragon serves as a proxy for a Griffon (to go with the draconian theme). The model is based on the plastic dragon in the Dreadfleet ship with the addition of a rider kitbashed from High Elf and Eureka Wood Elf parts.

Infantry: The core of the High Elf army are deep formations of citizen infantry which any other army would consider elite warriors. Four units of Spearmen and four units of Archers fulfill the core requirements and hold the center of the High Elf Line. The shield motive of a Dragon is a historical transfer inspired by a similar High Elf army I found on TacComs.

Cavalry: Mounted warfare is where the High Elves excel. Swift, skilled and yet fairly affordable, High Elf cavalry can dominate the battlefield in large numbers. Three units of Silver Helms, a unit of Dragon Princes, and two units of Reavers can put the fear into everybody.

Warmachines: The High Elf warmachines come in two flavours: two units of Chariots and two units of Bolt Throwers.

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