Flames of War

Flames of War Germans up

As the first of the “bigger armies”, I uploaded some 60+ pics of the Flames of War German army under Games & Armies\Flames of War.

US & UK forces are in the photography stage right now.

I also had to manually edit every single image on the site since wordpress somehow decides to show all images at 1 pixel smaller than the original size. That downscaling with an inferior algorithm blurred many of the images more than necessary. As far as I could tell, a manual fix of the HTML was the only way around this. Note that as a side effect none of the images on this site are “clickable” anymore. That’s a good thing since clicking on them just led you to the same image with 1 pixel more horizontal and vertical resolution…

Flames of War Mordheim

Added FoW Campaign & Mordheim pages

I added an old Flames of War linked campaign as a sample to see if people like this kind of stuff (under Gaming/Campaigns). Let me know if this is of interest.

The entire Mordheim section is up, including some Mordheim buildings (all under Games & Armies/Mordheim) and a tutorial for their construction (under Workshop/Tutorial):