Mordheim Painting

Beastmen Warband [Mordheim]

Another Mordheim warband is up. The mighty Beastmen. More pictures on the page.


Man o' War Painting

Man-o-War Chaos Fleet

This is the last of my Man-o-War fleets. Somehow, I never finished it during the “Great MoW Burst” of 2010. Like the other fleets, the sails are printed on fabric to keep a cloth-like texture.

MoW Chaos - Bloodship MoW Chaos - Ironsharks MoW Chaos - Deathgalley 3 MoW Chaos - Deathgalley 2 MoW Chaos - Deathgalley 1

EPIC Painting

Iron Warrior Defilers

I found two Otterware Defiler in a drawer. I think I originally wanted to turn them into Nurgle conversions but now that the Nurgle army tray is completed (and full), I did them up as extra Iron Warrior Defilers.

EPIC Painting

World Eater Raptors

These are latecomers to the Khorne horde as Exodus Wars only released these wonderful proxies a short while ago.

EPIC Painting

Nurgle Display Base

After a long absence due to a mix of travel and Squat-induced painting fatigue, I finally managed to finish the display base for the Nurgle Epic army. Like all my display bases, this one uses a 24″x18″ tray that slots into the display cabinet in the gaming room. The image can be expanded for a detailed view. The army barely fits so no more Nurgle models in the future…

EPIC Chaos - Nurgle Tray

EPIC Painting

New home for the Nurgle army

Now that the Epic Chaos armies are completed, I am going to build display bases for them. I am using the same general approach as for the Flames of War base document here. I am using the same black frame (I have 50 of them, custom made to fit into the display cabinet – many more bases to come!). It’s taped off in the picture to protect the gloss finish until everything is done. So far I have created the back walls out of MDF and filled in the elevation levels with dense foam. The MDF walls give a clean finish and protect the edge of the foam in the elevated rear section.

The pic below shows the status so far with the Nurgle army set up. That step is essential as most of my armies are large enough that they just barely fit onto a full base (some need two bases). Click on the pic for a larger version. The base will have a tiered rocky hill at the back and a river running down the hill (probably a waterfall), with extensions going into a triangle shape towards the front corners. It will be a slime river of course… The shape is a play on the Nurgle symbol. I don’t have enough space make three large lakes in a triangle (the actual three-dot Nurgle symbol). So the rivers effectively subdivide the army into three blocks in the right configuration.

Next step is to cover the surface in magnetic sheet (to hold the models in place – everything has a metal base). Afterwards I will add moulded rocks to the cliffs and start the spackle work for all the cracks.

EPIC Painting

Tzeentch Banelord Titan and end of ToEG Chaos



The very last model of this ToEG project is completed. A mighty Tzeentch Banelord Titan.

EPIC Chaos - Tzeentch Banelord


The project lasted exactly one year (well, 48 hours are left) and led to about 27500 points of painted Epic Chaos goodness. That’s 653 models ranging from lowly Chaos Hounds up to mighty Titans. Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaneesh and the Undivided Lords of Iron all had their share of the bounty. It has been a joy to work on this project. I shall build a few display bases and add final army shots when those are done.

EPIC Painting

Tzeentch Lord of Change

The last few ToEG items for the Lost and the Damned are sluggishly clearing my paint station. Below is a Lord of Change based on the Warmaster model. The colour scheme is a bit muted to fit in with the rest of the Tzeentch contingent.

EPIC Tzeentch - Lord of Change

EPIC Painting

Tzeentch Feral Titan

I got the model in a trade from TacComs (including wings). Paintjob is mine.

EPIC Chaos - Tzeentch Feral Titan

EPIC Painting

Tzeentch Magnus the Red

Old model, new paintjob inspired by old colour scheme.

EPIC Chaos - Tzeentch Magnus the Red