Painting Warmaster

Warmaster Lizardmen

First experiment with Contrast Paints at Warmaster scale was a big success. The Lizardmen army joins the collection. Now I just need to wrap up the other half-dozen armies 🙂

3 replies on “Warmaster Lizardmen”

These look amazing. I’m amazed at how well the GW contrast paints look on 10mm miniatures. I would imagine the paints would work well for armies like Orcs/Goblins as well.
I love the Lizardmen, but sadly their price on ebay is way outside my meager budget. BTW you site is very inspirational. I also love the Epic posts. While over on my blogger blog I’ve made paper counters for nearly every Warmaster army, short of a few Revolution armies, I’m trying hard to get back into miniature painting. Keep up the great work!

Thanks for the kind words. I bought every available Warmaster army when Specialist Games went under (and every else for every one of their games..). So there is plenty of stuff still to paint!

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