Mordheim Painting

Mordheim Ostlander

Another warband joins the club. Classic paint scheme for some classic models. Full warband can be found here.

My Mordheim collection is slowly reaching completion. Lots of personas still to paint – and a few warbands – but it’s getting there. From the “core” warbands, I only need to finish the Amazons and Marienburgers. Add to this a few custom warbands (Wood Elves, Lizardmen, Dark Elves and Chaos Warriors). Plus lots of individual additions here and there. 360 models done, 148 left to go! At least nothing else is being released anymore (except that at current count I have to paint 200+ Warcry, Underworld and Cursed City models as the spiritual successor games to Mordheim :)).

EPIC Painting

EPIC Adeptus Mechanicus

The Adeptus Mechanicus was my last big unpainted army for EPIC, mostly because the list changed over the years which rendered many of the originally assembled models obsolete. But ultimately I overcame my own reservations, bought a few more models to fill in the list gaps, and finished the lot. The full army page can be found here. At this point, only the Titans and Knights are left to complete my EPIC collection. 70 models/bases to go but 2,400 models/bases are finished. Not bad!


WFB Empire Flagellants

Slowly finishing up the remaining Empire units. This big block of Flagellants is the last “big formation” on the list. Now it’s down to the special characters and the big items (e.g. new style griffons, etc.). The unit filler is based on the old War Altar with a more suitable Prophet of Doom riding it.

Blackstone Fortress Painting

Blackstone Fortress Heroes

Starting a Blackstone Fortress campaign during the lockdown. Here are the heroes from the main boxed set. Baddies and expansions are under way.

EPIC Painting

EPIC Tyranids

A full page of EPIC Tyranids is now up here. They are painted in the same scheme as my Battlefleet Gothic Tyranid fleet. Only a couple of armies to go for a complete EPIC collection…

Painting Warhammer 40k

Kill Team Rogue Trader – Gellerpox

Painting the Blackstone Fortress gave me an appetite for small themed forces. And then I saw the Gellerpox video by Midwinter Minis so I dug up the models in my “drawers of shame” and banged them out.


Warhammer Night Goblins

And we have a contingent of Night Goblins with their bouncy red friends. I have put more detailed images of all the Orc and Goblin models onto a dedicated page here. Still a bit of work to do but the core units are in place. A few giants, some trolls, lots of heroes – including some big ones – and then it’s all done.

Painting Warhammer

Forest Goblins

A small contingent of Forest Goblins joins the mighty Waaagh. The spider riders are stock while the infantry unit is based on the old metal models from 30+ years ago with a big tree unit filler.

Painting Warhammer

Warhammer Black Orc Big Bosses

A couple more Black Orc heroes. Can’t ever have enough animosity fixers!

Painting Warhammer

Warhammer Black Orcs

Black Orcs are the epitome of brute force. A nice block of 30 though I am basing many of them on 50x50mm or 75x25mm bases with fewer models per base than technically required. This creates a bit more space between the models which otherwise are really wedged tightly together.

Leading the force is the mighty Grimgor Ironhide and a generic Big Boss. Still working on a Black Orc Battle Standard Bearer to complete the line-up. They are based on 50x25mm bases to line up with the rest of the mob while having some space around them. It’s physically impossible to fit these models onto a single 25x25mm base in a formation…